Title: Common Phrases in Different Languages
Notes: Last updated: 6 July 2011




      Body parts





    Common Phrases in Different Languages

    Other Words


    Other Phrases

    "Pointy-Talky" books


This section to the book is a selection of useful survival words and phrases, intended for when there are no available tourist phrase books. By necessity this must be short and kept to a small number of languages.

Language inclusions are in the following order: English, Spanish, French and German. Alternatively, the reader could pencil in the local translations to these important words when he has access to a local translator, wherever he is.

Military pilots used to be given a book called a pointey-talkie with pictures and useful phrases in both English and the local language for use if they had to escape. Modern world travelers also often are seen carrying a general purpose phrase book in preference to a dictionary. Any phrase "cheat sheet" is infinitely less useful than basic knowledge of the local language and instantly points you out as both an American and a potential naive robbery victim new onto the streets. A major problem with phrase books is that unless the answer is a yes or no you might never find the exact phrase that the local has just said. This section is not to be a substitute for learning a language or even a phrase book but rather a survival tool used with some gestures until either a guide or larger book can be obtained.

It is important that if you find someone who speaks some English to use only clear statements. For example "restroom" might be interpreted as a "resting room", a room for sleeping; instead be blunt and ask for a toilet. Always be simple and clear using the least amount of words possible. Never use slang, your pop slang words just don't translate into anything useful and might cause trouble. If you change your mind during a conversation be sure the other party understands clearly that you have changed your intent. Get your guide to repeat back what you said at the end of a conversation to ensure he has the right idea. It is a good idea to use drawings or write out what you are saying if this improves understanding. Don't worry too much if you confuse the gender of a word, people will almost always understand unless you are speaking about people, when in doubt just use masculine form.

Remember what we said in Get the Hell Out of Dodge don't flame too radical when visiting outside your home nation or if you are on the run until you get to know the cultural expectations.


English Spanish French German
directions direcciones directions Richtungen
left izquierda gauche links
right derecha droite rechts
forward adelante vers l'avant vorne
continue continue continuez weiter
to the end al extremo a l'extremite bis zum Ende
intersection intersection intersection Kreuzung
traffic signal senal de trafico feux de signalisation Ampel
railroad track pista del ferrocarril voie de chemin de fer (Eisenbahn-) Schienen
river rio fleuve FluB
bridge puente pont Brucke
overpass paso superior passage superieur Uberfuhrung
north norte du nord Nord
south sur sud Sud
east este est Ost
west oeste occidental West
yes si oui Ja
no no non Nein
I don't understand No entiendo je ne comprends pas Ich verstehe nicht
please repeat Repita por favor sil vous plait repetition Bitte wiederholen
speak slowly hable lentamente parlez lentement Langsam sprechen


English Spanish French German
Where is the ... Donde esta el/la ... Ou est le/la ... Wo ist der/die/das ...
food store tienda magasin de nourriture Lebensmittelladen
toilet labavo toilette Toilette
hotel hotel hotel Hotel
youth hostel albergue juvenil pension de la jeunesse Jugendherberge
hospital hospital hopital Krankenhaus
embassy embajada ambassade Botschaft
building edificio batiment Gebaude
office oficina bureau Buro
airport aeropuerto aeroport Flughafen
rail station estacion del tren station de rail Bahnhof
automated teller machine cajero automatico machine automatisee de teller Geldautomat
postal office oficina postal bureau postal Post
bus station estacion de autobuses gare routiere Bushaltestelle
doctor doctor docteur Arzt
telephone telefono telephone Telefon
Internet cafe cibercafe Cafe d'Internet Internetcafe
English bookstore Libreria inglesa Librairie anglaise Englisches Buchgeschaft
bookstore libreria librairie Buchgeschaft
hardware store ferreteria magasin de materiel Baumarkt
bank banco banque Bank
police station comisaria de polidas commissariat de police Polizeirevier
government ministry of ...
el ministerio de ... ministere de gouvernement de la ... Ministerium fur ...
car rental shop tienda del alquiler de coches magasin de location de voiture Autovermietung
bicycle shop tienda de bicicletas magasin de bicyclette Fahrradgeschaft
camping area area de acampada secteur campant Campingplatz


Body parts

English Spanish French German
My ...feels bad Mi ... se siente mal Mon ... sent le mauvais Mein/meine ... tut weh
head cabeza tete Kopf
eye ojo oeil Auge
ear oido oreille Ohr
nose nariz nez Nase
stomach estomago estomac Bauch
abdomen abdomen abdomen Bauch
lower abdomen bajo vientre abaissez l'abdomen Unterer Bauch
chest pecho coffre Brust
lungs pulmones poumons Lungen
throat garganta gorge Rachen
teeth, tooth dientes, diente dents, dent Zahne, Zahn
arm brazo bras Arm
hand mano main Hand
leg pierna jambe Bein
foot pie pied FuB
lower back espalda abaissez en arriere unterer Rucken
spine espina dorsal epine Wirbelsaule
kidney, kidneys rinon, rinones rein, reins Niere, Nieren
bladder vejiga reservoir souple Blase
vagina vagina vagin Vagina
penis pene penis Penis
testicle, testicles testiculo, testiculos testicules, testicule Hoden, Hoden
wound herida blessure Wunde
injury lesion dommages Verletzung
bone hueso os Knochen


English Spanish French German
types of Pain tipos de dolor types de douleur Schmerzarten
sharp pain dolor agudo douleur pointue stechender Schmerz
ache dolor mal Schmerz
pressure presion pression Druck
sore dolorido endolori Schmerz


English Spanish French German
Treatment Tratamiento Traitement Behandlung
I do not want a transfusion No deseo una transfusion Je ne veux pas une transfusion Ich mochte keine Transfusion
My blood type is (A B AB O) Mi tipo de la sangre es (A B AB O) Mon type de sang est (A B AB O) Meine Blutgruppe ist (A B AB null)
[[httphttp://wiki.stealthiswiki.org/ wiki/Common_Phrases_in_Different_Lan guages 5/11
Only use new needles
Utilice solamente las agujas nuevas Employez seulement les nouvelles aiguilles Verwenden Sie nur neue Nadeln
I will pay for a new needle Pagare una aguja nueva Je payerai une nouvelle aiguille Ich bezahle eine neue Nadel
... has his/her blood type ... tiene su tipo de la sangre ... a son type de sang ... hat dieselbe Blutgruppe
... wants to give blood for a transfusion ... desea dar la sangre para una transfusion ... veut donner le sang pour une transfusion ... spendet Blut
Call an ambulance Llame una ambulancia Appelez une ambulance Rufen Sie einen Krankenwagen
I have American insurance Tengo seguro americano J'ai l'assurance americaine Ich habe eine amerikanische Krankenversicherung
Would a larger hospital be able to help? (,Un hospital mas grande podria ayudar? Est-ce que un plus grand hopital pourrait aider ? Konnte ein groBeres Krankenhaus helfen?
I am diabetic Soy diabetico Je suis diabetique Ich bin zuckerkrank
I am allergic to ... Soy alergico a ... Je suis allergique a ... Ich bin auf ... allergisch
I am taking ... Estoy tomando ... Je prends ... Ich nehme ...


English Spanish French German
People Gente Les gens Leute
me, I yo je mir, ich
wife esposa epouse Ehefrau
girlfriend novia petite amie Freundin with definite article: die Freundin, meine Freundin
husband marido mari Ehemann
boyfriend novio petit ami Freund with definite article: der Freund, mein Freund
friend (male) amigo ami Freund
amiga amie Freundin
father padre pere Vater
mother madre mere Mutter
daughter hija fille Tochter
son hijo fils Sohn
relative pariente relatif Verwandter (male)/Verwandte (female or plural)
soldier soldado soldat Soldat (male)/Soldatin (female)
police officer oficial de polida officier de police Polizist (male)/Polizistin (female)
man hombre homme Mann
woman mujer femme Frau
boy nino gargon Junge
girl nina fille Madchen
sir/mister senor monsieur Herr
madam/Mrs. senora madame Frau
miss senorita manque Frau


English Spanish French German
Verbs Verbes Verbes Verben
came vino soyez venu kam
went fue est alle ging
is coming esta viniendo vient kommt
is going va va geht
fell cayo est tombe fiel
hit golpeo coup

Common Phrases in Different Languages

traf (sb. hit sth.)/stieB (sb. hurt a bodypart)
drove condujo a conduit fuhr
rode monto est monte fuhr (anything with weels)/ritt (anything with legs)
ran funciono a couru rannte
took tomo a pris nahm
stole robo etole stahl

(vehicular) | colision (de vehfculos) | collision

(vehiculaire) | Kollision, Autounfall |

drank bebio a bu trank
ate comio a mange aB
repair reparar reparation repariere (requesting, informal)/reparieren Sie (requesting, formal)
broke roto casse hat kaputtgemacht (sb. broke sth.)/ging kaputt (sth. broke)

Other Words

English Spanish French German
Other Words Otras Palabras DAutres Mots Andere Worte
Who Quien Qui wer
what que ce qui was
where donde la ou wo
when cuando quand wann
why porque pourquoi warum
how como comment wie
forbidden prohibido interdit verboten
allowed/permitted permitido laisse erlaubt
impossible imposible
impossible unmoglich
possible posible possible moglich
please por favor svp bitte
thank you gracias merci danke
you're welcome de nada vous etes bienvenu gern geschehen
sorry lo siento desole Entschuldigung
excuse me perdon excusez-moi Entschuldigen Sie mich
asylum asilo assylum Asyl


English Spanish French German
Other Words Numeros Nombres Zahlen
one uno un eins
two dos deux zwei
three tres trois drei
four cuatro quatre vier
five cinco cinq funf
six seis six sechs
seven siete sept sieben
eight ocho huit acht
nine nueve neuf neun
ten diez dix zehn
twenty veinte vingt zwanzig
thirty treinta trente dreiBig
one hundred cien cent hundert, einhundert
two hundred doscientos deux cents zweihundert
three hundred trescientos trois cents dreihundert
one thousand mil mille tausend, eintausend
two thousand dos mil deux mille zweitausend
three thousand tres mil trois mille dreitausend

Other Phrases

English Spanish French German
Other Phrases Otras Frases DAutres Expressions Andere Phrasen
Can I pay more to make it happen faster? ^Puedo pagar mas para hacer que sea mas rapido? Est-ce que je peux payer plus pour la faire se produire plus rapidement ? Wenn ich mehr bezahle, geht es dann schneller?
I don't have that much money No tengo tanto dinero Je n'ai pas que beaucoup d'argent Ich habe nicht so viel Geld
Is it available cheaper elsewhere? ^Es mas barato en otro lugar? Est-il meilleur marche disponible ailleurs ? Gibt es das irgendwo billiger?
I am not happy No soy feliz Je ne suis pas heureux Ich bin nicht glucklich
I am happy Soy feliz Je suis heureux Ich bin glucklich
I am frightened Estoy asustado Je suis effraye Ich habe Angst
let's be friends seamos amigos soyons des amis Lass uns Freunde sein
I am not interested No estoy interesado/a Je ne suis pas interesse Ich bin nicht interessiert
I have no cash No tengo dinero efectivo Je n'ai aucun argent comptant Ich habe kein Geld
Please stop Pare por favor. Svp arret - faveur de por d'alto Hor auf (informal)/Horen Sie auf (formal)
I am seeking (residency, Estoy buscando (residencia, ciudadama, asilo) Je cherche (residence, citoyennete, asile) Wie bekomme ich eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung? Wie werde
citizenship, asylum) ich Staatsburger? Wie bekomme ich Asyl?
Can I stay here? ^Puedo permanecer aqw? Est-ce que je peux rester ici ? Kann ich hier bleiben?
I am lost Estoy perdido Je suis perdu Ich kenne mich nicht mehr aus
I am sick Estoy enfermo/a Je suis malade Ich bin krank (permanently)/Ich fuhle mich krank (I feel sick)

"Pointy-Talky" books

The above-mentioned books that can be used to point at various things are still in print today. The most widely used ones are "Point It: Traveller's Language Kit" by Dieter Graf, "The Wordless Travel Book" by Jonathan Meader and various books and booklets produced by Kwikpoint, Me No Speak and ICOON. Besides bridging language barriers overseas, they can be used for the hearing or vocally impaired.


For those with internet access, the website http://www.spanish-kit.net/ offers an on-line course with free downloadable material for off-line studying.

Babelfish can provide quick (if rather basic) translation for many common languages http://world.altavista.com/

The BBC offers free online language lessons http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/